I had the privilege to meet Giada sharing adventures aboard Aluna, a Polynesian cat, in the crystal-clear waters of Papua. From the very first moment I saw her, I knew we were going to get along. That instant connection is something really special, and we both knew how to make the most of it.
Giada was born and raised in Bali; she’s one of the fortunate “Bali kids” who had the gift of experiencing the magic of the Island of the Gods long before mass tourism began to change it. Her mother, Laura, gave her the opportunity to grow up in an environment filled with peace and nature, a gift she cherishes and, thanks to which, has become the woman she is today.
Up until this year, Giada dedicated her life to her career as a surfer. But what inspired me to do this interview was that Giada is at a key moment in her life, a turning point where change is in the air, and a new direction is beginning to take shape. What I like most about her is her willingness to embrace the unknown without fear, always staying true to her essence: freedom, authenticity, and a deep love for the ocean.
Giada is much more than an incredibly talented surfer and, of course, a beautiful girl. She’s a friend who lights up the room with her smile, her enthusiasm for learning, and that positive energy that effortlessly radiates to those around her. Always willing to help, she inspires with her open and generous attitude.
I’m convinced that sharing this moment in her life can help many others who, like her, find themselves at that emotional precipice, staring into the abyss, wondering whether to take the leap.
Taking that step into the unknown is the best decision we can make because every leap leads us to a version of ourselves we never imagined.
Giada, I know what’s ahead will be even more incredible than what you’ve already achieved. I’m so excited to see how you evolve, how you grow, and to witness the positive impact you’ll continue to have on those around you. Because, as you say, we’re in for an amazing year, mi amiga mitad-mitad!

There are so many memories here that have helped shaped who I am today, my most valued ones are definitely weekends spent with my chosen family in Bukit area, where we would sleep in bungalows on the cliff and spend all day long on the beach. Or running through the rice fields around my house in Seminyak and spending the day covered in mud, but always surrounded by nature. I think growing up in Bali has made me very open minded and accepting to all different types of cultures, ideas, thoughts and ways of life. We were always exposed to international people of all ages. The local Balinese culture is so accepting as well, it has taught me to love and respect everything that surrounds me and to be grateful for it too, I am a huge believer in Karma, what you give .. you´ll recieve, which I feel has been the norm since I was born. Bali has given me everything I have and know and I always try to return it in any way I can.
Were there any subjects in your education that promoted environmental awareness or the importance of caring for our surroundings? And beyond these topics, did your schooling included more introspective aspects, such as the importance of living in the present, or being conscious of our actions and their impact on the world around us?.
Yes, we were taught all three, and lots of it as well. Sustainability and taking care of our environment was one of our educational priorities! Apart from it being part of our daily lives and routines, we had many classes that were specified to that. In fact, I had many conferences like in Kalimantan and South Korea where I went to give speeches about how it is being a female professional surfer and how important it is to be as sustainable as we can. We worked with many Yayasans and joined many events that support this cause.
I remember that two times a week our very first lesson of the day was self awareness and how to take care of not only our physical self, but mental as well. We would start the day off with mindfulness meditation and we made sure to practice it outside of those classes too.
Turning a passion into the way you make a living is never easy, especially when it comes to surfing. As you shared with me on the boat, the pressure of training and competition led you to a point where you no longer felt the same connection with surfing.
Yes, as with everything in life when you chase something you love it comes with many sacrifices, none of which I ever regret doing but after so many years of pushing myself to the extreme and training none stop, it’s easy to forget why you even started in the first place.
Towards the middle of last year I realised that I wasn’t doing this for the love of it anymore and that I was ready for a change of pace. I learnt to fall in love again with the sport I love most and that has given me everything. I can’t see myself without surfing.
At this point in your life, at 24 years old, it feels like life is telling you: CHANGE! what has led to this situation, how you’re feeling about it, where you plan to start, how you envision Giada in the future, and, knowing what you know now, what would you say to your past self?
Last year I lost all my sponsors, from making the best money I've never made and being the most comfortable I've never been, it just all from in a matter of 3 months just pulled the rug off me and I was just free falling. And it's those moments where you are like... was I really happy?
But honestly through it all it made me realise how much of an amazing community of friends and family im surrounded by. I’ve never felt so confortable in my own skin like I do now, I know I still have a long road ahead of me but being pushed out of my confort zone has made me understand myself like never before. So many new emotions and feelings that I never knew you could feel.
I envision myself with the same lifestyle I live now when Im outside of competition mode, I love my life here in Indonesia and I know I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else, this is home and it will always be. I’m taking baby steps into my new life and Im slowly learning to navigate this world differently. I know how I want to live and with who so I think that’s a big step forward.
To my past self, I would tell myself to not rush, to slow down and enjoy every moment, give all the love and kindness you have because each moment we have is special and you never know when it’s going to be the last.
What do you value most in life?
I value family and friendships above all, I value living a simple and adventurous life, and to enjoy every moment and never lose opportunities that make you happy.
To be understanding at times that it’s hard.
I value Nature, honesty and respect.
What do you love most about Bali? and.. how do you feel about Bali's situation nowadays?
What I love most about Bali is how accepting and beautiful it is, this place is so special I struggle to find the right words for it, it’s a feeling. And it’s that same special magic and energy that has brought so many people to the island.
I can obviously understand why everyone wants to live here, but I see that many people don’t come here for the real essence of Bali, they either come to exploit it or for what all these new venues and beach clubs bring.
Those were not what brought everyone here in the first place.
Bali seems to be like one big construction site at the moment. It doesn't matter where you go, there is always something being built.
It’s hard to watch what is happening on the Island sometimes, especially when the beaches are so full of plastic and waste. Every year it gets worst, especially after those first few rains and changes in the wind. but I try to see the beauty in everything still, and obviously help and play my part as much as I can! The local community here give’s me hope for the future, and I am seeing many incredible projects that have started to tackle those issues.
What do you think about María Malo´s project?
It's incredible to have a brand that stands for everything that one values, you know?, sustainability and elegance and doing it all with pride, it's beautiful. I love everything. From the organic fabrics, to the natural colors and the styles... I love everything I tried! But I think my favorites pieces are this dress Im wearing, and the bikini I will be surfing with haha...
If you could make one wish, just one, and have it granted, what would it be?
that's a tough question haha.. I think my one wish... my one wish. All the plastic in the world disappear. I think that would be my one wish... And go back, back to the roots, back to Nature and breathing fresh air... I think that's my wish.
Giada, te deseo lo mejor por y se ,que sera así por que vas de la mano con la mejor. Todo corazon
María te conozco desde hace muchos años, fuy cliente tuyo desde que tenias un gran corazón con cuernos , siempre que pasaba cerca de Tarifa me atraía el pasarme por aquella gran tienda y comprar principalmente esa ropa que diseñabas en aquella epoca ,ropa que todavía conservo y uso ,es muy especial para mi y nunca se la ve pasada de moda siempre compraba para regalar, era mi tienda favorita de toda España .
En fin ya tengo 63 años y guardo un muy muy buen recuerdo de ti María, que aunque ya no te acordaras de mi te tengo un cariño especial por esa época que me hacia tener la ilusión de llevar ropa de Mala mujer . un 10 te doy . Y si tengo la ocasión de continuar con tus nuevos proyectos aquí o en Bali o donde sea ,seré un granito más. Agradecido,sigue teniendo ese gran corazón ❤ que recuerdo.
María te conozco desde hace muchos años, fuy cliente tuyo desde que tenias un gran corazón con cuernos , siempre que pasaba cerca de Tarifa me atraía el pasarme por aquella gran tienda y comprar principalmente esa ropa que diseñabas en aquella epoca ,ropa que todavía conservo y uso ,es muy especial para mi y nunca se la ve pasada de moda siempre compraba para regalar, era mi tienda favorita de toda España .
En fin ya tengo 63 años y guardo un muy muy buen recuerdo de ti María, que aunque ya no te acordaras de mi te tengo un cariño especial por esa época que me hacia tener la ilusión de llevar ropa de Mala mujer . un 10 te doy . Y si tengo la ocasión de continuar con tus nuevos proyectos aquí o en Bali o donde sea ,seré un granito más. Agradecido,sigue teniendo ese gran corazón ❤ que recuerdo.