
"Greenvasion" a wonderful collaboration between Maria Malo & La Fábrica de verde

Greenvasion; The campaign in which we plan to achieve a ‘green invasion’ by using the traditional Japanese Nendo Dango Seed Bombs.

We are offering a biodegradable box containing 8 pumps. Each pump comes with more than 20 types of seeds of splendid flowering that are suitable for all types of flooring.

We would like to fill with flowers from terraces to vacant lots, depopulated areas and any place in need of vegetation. And by magic act, in ancient dead zones will flourish “praderas de Tarifa”.

In the box, you will find enclosed the easy to follow instructions. The seeds are covered with clay in order to keep them with all necessary ingredients and humidity for their growth even in the most hostile conditions. Additionally, the pumps are accompanied with a pine bed that will serve as a protective layer once the seeds have been sown.

Along with the seeds, the box also contains a silver pendant with a beautiful hand-carved butterfly and a glass bottle filled with Tarifa sand as a symbol of your dedication to the mission “Siembra Natura”.

As a commitment to the cause, we will donate the funds raised to the ‘Plant for the Planet’ organisation for it’s ‘Plantation Project’. For each box they will plant a new tree and take care of it to benefit the environment even further.

The full price of the box is 39 Euro.







The biodegradable box contains_

1 Tarifa sand hanging bottle

8 prairie bombs on a pine bed

Open the box and untie the bottle. Plan your greenvasion with the 8 bombs ... all together or separately. You put the message, the bottle symbolizes your intention.


Bury them approximately two fingers below the chosen soil and place the pine needles as a cover to protect it.


Water them approximately once a week and you will see the results shortly ...