What a nice gift to know you are saving lives
We are so happy about our past initiatives:
“Turning waste into Swimwear” and “We are Not plastic”
Here we want to introduce our third initiative:
so that if you like it and want to join the cause you can reserve your T-shirt now:
1. Save lives of animals in need,
2. Clean the oceans from plastics and pollution,
3. Raise awareness, because we, such as yourselves want to spread the word about our pollution.

We want to raise as much money as possible for the cause, so I ask you, friends to reserve your shirt.
Let us surprise you, help us give the gift of life and spread the word.
The proceeds of this campaign will be donated to oceancare, a non profit which collaborates with asociacionquinac.org in Spain. Fundacionballrnaazul in Peru British Divers Life rescue in the UK and oceandresearxhproject.org in South Africa Which are all on the same mission of saving our oceans from plastics and rescuing animals caught amongst them.
Our pollution is endangering yearly the lives of whales, dolphins, turtles and many more animals in need of our help.
If you would like us to send the gift of our shirt to friends and family in different locations please don't hesitate to contact us atshop@mariamalo.com