Do you know what a capsule wardrobe is?
A capsule wardrobe is a way of downsizing the usual chaotic closet, where you barely know the contents and are overwhelmed by choices of what you even own let alone put an outfit together.
This type of closet allows for a stylish minimalist lifestyle. Where key pieces are perfect for mix and matching in hundreds of variables without being a part of the consumerism nation.
Say goodbye to those desperate days of standing in front of your closet not knowing what to wear. Where you end up convincing yourself you need more clothes because you don't even know where to begin in finding something in your closet.
That is what I mean. I assure you there is a high percentage of people that have absolutely everything but feel they are in need of new clothes.
It is the consumerism itch that we have to put an end to.
The best way of doing this is by consuming responsibly, and mastering the art of mix and matching for great stylish new outfits.
What do we need?
First of all discard all the items in your closet that you no longer use, make space for items that mean something to you. When you make room, you can start to see what you own and how you can combine it.
Keep things that don't go out of style. Dresses that you can mix and match and don't take up much room in your suitcase if your traveling. Things you can wear night or day depending on what shoes you choose to dress it up or down. One thing I know for sure is I no longer have room in my closet for items that are for a single occasion. I've learned to see the beauty in me wearing a dress to a wedding or simple dinner in the countryside.

I assure you that giving your closet a new life is extremely gratifying, you'll even feel more confident in yourself and reaffirm your personality. The trick is in finding the balance in your wardrobe.
The objective of our mission is to stop buying impulsively and emotionally, but to be conscious of how we spend our money and even benefit financially in the long run.
We have to let go of the surplus and stop collecting things that bring in the dust mites. Sell or give away everything that you haven't worn in the last year.
Be creative and reinvent some looks with your favorite pieces.

Share this venture, I'll even help you decide what to toss and what to keep... Just post it here. I promise you will benefit from this experience.
Total cleanse! It's good for you and good for everyone.