Of children's stories... of princes on horses and princesses rescued by their heroes... of weddings dressed in white and happy endings with partridges

Stories that conditioned our lives... stories that make an impact and as the years go by you begin to hate that question that, of course, always comes...

And you? You do not have children? Don't you want to be a mother?

Some are terrified at the idea of not being one and when the biological bell leaves them deaf they pay to freeze their eggs... Others look for a victim to deceive and become pregnant without respecting the will of the other person... There are those who They spend their time jumping from flower to flower dreaming of finding that prince who has never existed...

Children who come to life through manipulation and lies... children who are given the responsibility of healing sick mothers, absent fathers...

Realities full of relationships that don't work, broken families, fellow travelers who get off at the first stop because the pressure becomes unbearable, people driven by panic looking for something outside of themselves...

I don't know if that day will come when the miracle of generating another life occurs in my body. It would be a gift. What I do know is that I don't believe in bringing children into the world through lies, and in my case, neither through lies. technology.

And once you open the door of your cell, and you free yourself from that prison of ideals that you created for yourself as a child, you understand that the meaning of life is simply to be alive... that simple... that simple.


With all my respects to each and every one of you... women

María Malo

Maria Malo